Septembers Trustee meeting

Every quarter @Worle holds a Trustee meeting to discuss @Worle's performance, future vision and day to day operations of the centre. We aim to give you a brief over view of the points discussed, so you can see how your community sports centre is running.

Points discussed

  • @Worle were thrilled with the feedback from the Summer Party and look forward to next year’s and continuing to share our profits with groups in the local community
  • The Trust were pleased to welcome 2 new Trustees onto the board of the centre (Paul Savage and Gareth Starr) and we look forward to them adding their expertise to what @Worle does
  • The launch of the Café has been a success but there is a need to keep improving and growing it
  • Plans for our extension are moving forward and we are waiting to hear some final confirmation from the council before we submit final planning permission. We still hope to be in a position to start the work before the end of 2018

Next meeting will be held in December.