COVID-19 Member Update

After Monday’s announcement from the PM regarding social distancing and the advice to limit the number of social gatherings, we will be completing the following at the centre:

  •    Until further notice it is business as normal, we have increased our level of cleaning and we are fully stocked with sanitizer and alcohol hand gel

  • All gym kit, including weights, pins, CV kit handrails seats and footplates are being cleaned regularly though out the day (3 times) and there is an expectation that members along with usual gym etiquette wipe down the kit after each use.  

  • Door handles throughout the centre are being wiped every hour along with our toilet and changing room checks which involve sanitizing and cleaning around sinks, taps and toilets.

Classes and Group fitness

All of our instructors are so far fit, healthy and well and are happy to continuing teaching however with social distancing we have decided that class numbers will be halved or classes that are smaller in numbers will have a maximum capacity of 15.  Any class booking that was booked 8 days in advance and is over the below number will go-ahead for this week but next week class numbers will be as follows.

Class numbers are below

  • ·         Zumba normal class number 40 new class number 20

  • ·         Strong by Zumba normal class number 30 new class number 15

  • ·         Zumba Tone normal class number 30 new class number 20

  • ·         Spin normal class number 20 new class number 15

  • ·         Yoga normal class number 30 new class number 15

  • ·         Pilates normal class number 30 new class number 15

  • ·         Pump normal class number 20 new class number 10

  • ·         Kettle bells normal class number 20 new class number 10

  • ·         Insanity normal class number 10 new class number 10

  • ·         Piloxercise normal class number 30 new class number 15

  • ·         Fit steps normal class number 30 new class number 15

  • ·         Boxercise normal class number 12 new class number 6

  • ·         Disco Yoga normal class number 30 new class number 15

  • ·         Mum and baby fit normal class number 20 new class number 10

  • ·         Total Body Conditioning (TBC) normal class number 20 new class number 10

  • ·         Zumba Gold normal class number 30 new class number 15

  • ·         Bootcamp normal class number 8 new class number 4

  • ·         Connexus HIIT normal class number 8 new class number 4

  • ·       Active Teen Gym Floor classes normal class number 8 new class number 4

The following expectations will now happen in every class as agreed by the instructors and we hope you will be happy to comply with the below.

  • Any class using equipment that is an hour-long will only run 50 minutes of physical activities, giving 5 minutes at the beginning and end to enable you to wipe down the kit you will be using in the class, sanitiser and blue roll will be provided. Alcohol hand gel can be also found in the studio. These classes include Spin, Pump, Kettles, TBC, Yoga, Step

  • Any class that doesn’t use equipment will run as normal for the hour session

  •  If you have your own Matts, boxing gloves, toning sticks or kettlebells as we know many of our members do then we are happy for you to use in the centre, if cleanliness is something you are worried about, however, staff are deep cleaning equipment during quiet periods.

Please follow the normal class cancellation policy, so we can manage class numbers and still continue to plan great classes.

We are a non-profit charity organisation and we will continue to open the centre and run as a business as normal. The message to our members, staff and instructors is, if you are fit healthy and normally well it is business as normal, we have followed as we do normally a cleaning checklist but have increased the cleaning in areas we see fit. We have plenty of soap and running hot water, sanitizing products and alcohol gels within the centre. Gym etiquette is expected from all members to be clean and hygienic at all time. Be safe, not sorry.

But If you have a new continuous cough or high temperature or feel unwell in any way, please stay home and take care of yourself and families.  Inform the centre as soon as you can and we will try to gain cover for instructors at the centre but a limited class timetable may be running, if cases increase.  

We understand a lot of our elderly members may fit into the high-risk category or our members may also fit into a high-risk category, our members may also be carers, be pregnant or have wives or girlfriends that are and your safety is our priority.  All we ask is that you contact the centre via email or phone call to place your membership on hold until the COVID-19 has passed, there is no need to cancel, we will be here to support members health and mental wellbeing until further notice until a direct notice is issued from the PM.

Our new motto, stay safe, fit, healthy and sanitized and if you want to come to the centre be assured we will be here with open arms and an air high five.

Keep an eye on our website and FB page for further updates, if the worst happens an email will go to all members and hirers of our facilities to let you know what the next steps will be

Kind Regards


Centre Manager