Membership fee update- 3rd September 2020

To all our members, who have recently joined us and who have continued to suspend your memberships.

We have been made aware unexpected payments have been removed from some members accounts, we have been in discussions with Harland’s today, our direct debit management company.  

Who have admitted fault in this issue, this is not how we expect a company working on our behalf to behave, or experience these sort of issues.

Harland’s are working hard to rectify any member who has had membership fees removed from their accounts, they will be refunding all members who have requested further suspension until December 2020. They will also be refunding new members who have already paid their pro rata membership fee, and this has been taken again.  Harland’s will contact every member individually to confirm the refund amount and the date it will be refunded into you bank account.

As a centre we pride ourselves to provide excellent customer service and processing suspensions/cancellations and queries at club level, We are a charity run gym and do not wish for any issues to occur within our membership base, pre COVID-19, things were so much simpler.

Please accept our greatest apologies and believe us in saying we are doing all within our power to rectify the above problems. We understand every member’s situation will be different and we will ensure a refund is received to you as soon as possible.

  We will have all information from Harland’s at close of play today to confirm what members have had extra membership fees removed, this will be confirmed by the centre by lunch time tomorrow and a email will be received by Monday at the very latest to confirm the date your refund will be received in your account.

Again, please accept our apologies and be reassured as a team we will be doing all we can.

Members who have cancelled their memberships with the centre throughout lock down and when the centre reopened,  cancellations have been processed, the cancellations will follow the centres terms and conditions which is two calendar months’ notice for many of you this months payment will be your last. We hope to one day welcome you back to the centre. Please with any direct debit do not cancel your payments, we would not want you to incur any further administrations fees for doing so early.

If you have any further questions please don’t hesitate to contact Sam at the centre on or 01934 886111

Thank you for your continued support and patience with this

Kind Regards


Centre Manager